Go Backwards before Going Forwards


Well after all the hard work making the centreboard case and fitting it, I found out later that I had fitted  it in the wrong place. Don't ask, originally I used a plank from the transom to the foredeck levelled up and a laser level from the centreboard bolt hole to check it. For some reason I had not worked out it appeared that it was going to be too far back so instead of questioning myself properly I cut 100mm off the front  of the case [ the part that forms the mast foot base ] and then epoxied it in.

The following day I re-checked using a different method - Inside bottom of the transom to the centreboard bolt hole then added to thickness of the transom on so the CB bolt hole was measured from the datum- outside of the transom only to find that the centreboard case was 10mm too far forward of the maximum. 

Very big oops, I broke every rule in my book, measure a lot and only then cut. I should have peer review it with someone before making my dumb decision.  

Start again.

So I used the oscillator to very carefully remove the centreboard case from the hull and after about 3 hours I had it out, cleaned up and fortunately no damage, and started again. 

I re- epoxied the centreboard case back in, along with the thwart and the two forward CB case supports.

Middle side deck panels

The next job was to fit the middle side deck panels, it was a bit tricky trying to get a clean line on the joint and did my best.

After that I needed to plane off the excess to make sure that the fall from the top of the middle panel to the sheer line was  6mm or less. The  very sharp 12 inch record plane did the job and the curve / line was reasonably fair.  After a certain point the side deck is permitted to have more camber as it comes up the meet the foredeck.

Before fitting the deck, the inner gunwales had to be fitted, I used 18x 23 mm western red cedar with a radius bead router into the bottom edge.  

Then to stiffen up the  side decks I used cedar top hat - tennoned into the carlin and side deck. 

Next I fitted the foredeck, fitted in 2 halves, and then a sapele centre strip. I made a template of the foredeck and made sure that the centre line was straight.

I used a lot of clamps!

Side Decks

Finally I fitted the sidedecks.  I used a template and then carefully fitted the forward and transom ends.


Trimming for the Gunwales.

The rules permit trimming the ends of the gunwale to reduce weight so I trimmed the inner gunwale. 

Then I trimmed the plywood decks to the inner gunwale as carefully as `I could and then it was time to attache the sapele gunwales.

I machined these from a long plank, which had previously been used as an outdoor sign.

Screwed and glued  and plugged using stainless screws.

Toestrap blocks, transom knee and  cleat mounts on the thwart and transom capping. 

I fitted 4 toe strap blocks and, the transom knee and the cleat mounts and transom capping which were some of the less challenging jobs.

Carving the boat number

I used a 30mm stencil and small chisels to carve the numbers on the hog.

Mast Gate and Shroud Plates






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