
Showing posts from July, 2023

Go Backwards before Going Forwards

Backwards  Well after all the hard work making the centreboard case and fitting it, I found out later that I had fitted  it in the wrong place. Don't ask, originally I used a plank from the transom to the foredeck levelled up and a laser level from the centreboard bolt hole to check it. For some reason I had not worked out it appeared that it was going to be too far back so instead of questioning myself properly I cut 100mm off the front  of the case [ the part that forms the mast foot base ] and then epoxied it in. The following day I re-checked using a different method - Inside bottom of the transom to the centreboard bolt hole then added to thickness of the transom on so the CB bolt hole was measured from the datum- outside of the transom only to find that the centreboard case was 10mm too far forward of the maximum.  Very big oops, I broke every rule in my book, measure a lot and only then cut. I should have peer review it with someone before making my dumb decision.   Start ag